Welcome to Darwin Gardens

Darwin Gardens Millenium Green is situated only a few minutes’ walk from Ilkley town centre.  Explore the area around the Green and enjoy the beautiful views of Ilkley Moor that surrounds the location.   Picnic tables and seats are available throughout the gardens, allowing you to choose a spot with a view or nestled amongst the trees.

As well as its attractive location and variety of wildlife habitats, the Green also includes many features that have been inspired by the evolution of Ilkley over the millennia – including Charles Darwin’s period of residence here during the first publication of ‘The Origin of Species’ and his connection with several historic buildings which surround the Millennium Green.

Based on themes of evolution and regeneration, the area comprises an imaginative blend of wildlife-friendly landscaping, fascinating recreational features, community-based artwork, and links to Ilkley’s association with Charles Darwin.

How to get here

From Ilkley Town Centre, which can be reached from the A65 by turning south into Brook Street at a traffic light-controlled junction, visitors by car should proceed south up Wells Road, turning right into the car park immediately after crossing a cattle grid.

Visitors by foot should take the delightful waterside link up from the centre of town. This starts by the old fountain on The Grove situated between Dacre, Son & Hartley and Santander, at the foot of the wooded Mill Ghyll. Follow the stream by the footpath and bridges until you reach the gate. Cross Wells Walk and Queens road and carry on walking straight up Linnburn Mews.

The nearest public toilets are by the large central car park between Brook Street & The Grove.

Winter Time at Darwin Gardens

Winter Time at Darwin Gardens

Wrap up warm, ensure your outerwear is waterproof and footwear sturdy and venture up Mill Ghyll enjoying the pretty stream and little footpath...
The Darwin Gardens Trail

The Darwin Gardens Trail

We’ve put together this handy trail and map to help you discover Darwin Gardens and help you make the most of your visit. We think you’ll be amazed...

Contemplation Spots at Darwin Gardens

The purpose of Darwin Gardens is to provide an area of relaxation, enjoyment and contemplation for residents and visitors.  With very few exceptions...
Millenium maze

Millenium Green Maze

A key feature of Darwin Gardens is the unique Millenium Green Maze which was designed by Dr John Haigh of Ilkley and laid in May 2000 by Bradford...
Millenium Way

The Darwin Walk

The walk starts from the main signboard at the far end of Darwin Gardens car park. Follow the boulder wall around to the plaque of Charles Darwin,...